Saturday, September 27, 2008

Blue-light moon

The boys are getting to the embarrassing stage. You know, the one where they ask why someone's fat or moon store clerks. Yes, that's right. Two days ago I was checking my K-Mart receipt when I heard the teller, a young lady clearly new, gasp and exclaim "Oh my." I looked, expecting to see someone getting into something they shouldn't but instead getting an eyeful of Ethan with his pants down. She was so shocked and horrified I had to try hard not to laugh. I just scolded him and shooed them out. I know it's not appropriate public behavior but I didn't know someone would be quite so shocked by it either, perhaps I'm just too used to kid behavior. It has happened on other occasions too, such as at Lowe's, where the sales girl just said "Um, they've got their pants down." She at least had good humor about it.

Despite all appearances, we do drill into them not to do that. For one thing, working with sex offenders, I know you never know what kind of creeps might be around. Sometimes they do actually get it and will get very upset about not having pants on. Isaac will say "big people no see pee pee".

Meantime, I find their personality differences quite educational. Ethan is more happy-go-lucky, as we've always known, but apparently that is more conducive to education. He often masters things before Isaac, I think because he doesn't have the same level of frustration. Isaac has always been more engaged and trying to understand how things work but gives up more easily. Ethan mastered making this toothbrush flash a long time ago while Isaac still hasn't and insists on getting help. Food for thought anyway.