Thursday, February 26, 2009

Things you DO want to hear from your 3-year-old

"I like that mama so much"

Fortunately, Ethan was pointing at me when he said it. He is such a lover, gives me random hugs and tells me he loves and misses me spontaneously. Some days I really dread them getting older. Of course, much like his daddy, Ethan tends to be rather fickle yet confident. He will answer a firm "yep" or "nope" before he has even finished listening to the question. And, much like me, that's often all you'll get out of him.

He's also the clown and an actor you never know when he's actually kidding. He often pretends very convincingly to have fallen asleep in his car seat. No amount of temptation will make him stir and he'll act like a blob when taken out, only to suddenly pop his head up and shout "roar!". He will also likely be the kid in school who gives everyone nicknames. He'll often refuse to say mama or daddy, instead saying "yes, ice cream" or his newest one, "barbecue". They like to call everything the name "Joshua" from their potty book (this was a contender for the baby's name but we're not so sure now) and the most hysterical thing for both of them to say is something I have no clue what it means but it sounds almost Hindi, like "baba ganosh". Maybe it's their version of something Jack tried to teach them in Chinese.

Jack is doing a little better about using Chinese and hopefully he will keep it up since they are such sponges at this point. They can already count to 9 very easily in Chinese though they can't point to numbers and name them in Chinese yet. Their latest non-verbal trick is they have mastered somersaulting. Since we have hardwood they will do it on pillows. They really wanted to show it off for their gym teachers but the teachers weren't very interested in that today even though I told them :( But it was funny anyway, because they started a new session of their class today and the only other girl who was in the former session with them was also sneaking in somersaults - it's fun to see the progress anyway. New session of swim class tomorrow! Isaac loves swimming, especially since he can do pretty well on his own now but Ethan (Mr. Don't Like Water in My Ears!) is not so excited about it.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Things you don't want to hear from your 3-year-old

"I like naughty girls!"

Yes, that was Isaac. Of course some context might help. He wanted to read a PowerPuff Girls book that I don't much care for. I told him, "I don't like it. They are naughty girls." That's when he got a big mischievous grin and made his declaration. He is a bit of a tease and is continually adding new grammar and phrases to his vocabulary. He recently started say things like "I am..." instead of just "I" and seems to understand a lot of the nuances. He can spell his name very well too, though often adds or subtracts and A.

He is also quite the boss of Ethan. One time when my sweater ended up on the floor being played with, Isaac "turned in" Ethan as the culprit. Literally - he dragged him to me, saying "Say sorry to Mama". Another time when Ethan had dropped the remote and broke a piece off it, he couldn't wait until daddy got home to tell him because "Daddy be angry". He was quite disappointed when daddy did not get angry. Of course when he is the one being naughty, he's not quite so receptive to discipline...

Ethan meanwhile continues to be the silly one who can't sit still and concentrate, unless it's a project he's really into like a puzzle, which Isaac doesn't have the patience for. When asked to spell his name, he just starts goofing off and making things up. He is my cuddly bear and very affectionate and more interested in the baby (though Isaac is more careful of not hurting the baby and letting me rest!). Ethan is more into it, but they are both also really good at spotting matches - like which picture in the book matches the cover picture and so on. Must be something that comes with having a matching brother. One time they brought out two matching teddy bears and declared "Twins!"

The other day I was paying our State Farm bill online and Isaac went running out of the room and came back a minute later with his "Good Neigh Bear" they gave him when we moved here a few years ago. He pointed to the logo on the screen and to the one on his bear, very excited to point out that they were the same! He loves the bear and sleeps with it, so we decided it was time to pick up a new (clean!) one. I told the ladies at the office he would be a good salesman for them!

They are both entering the "Why?" phase too, clearly something they picked up at school since it's usually "Why, Mommy?" instead of Mama. They don't usually wait for an answer though and just seem to think it's funny.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

All about Grandma (and the jiujius too)

The boys are obsessed about going to grandma's. It's hard when they get to that age when they can understand and communicate but still not fully understand the explanation. So every day we have conversations like:

Them: "Go grandma's house?"
Me: "Not today. In spring. When it's warm"
Them: "Okay"
10 seconds later:
"Go grandma's house?" Usually followed, especially by Ethan, with "I miss grandma". After watching a Berenstain Bears where the kids stay with grandma and grandpa for a week, they are now eager for "mama daddy go away". So are mama and daddy and grandma so that works out :)

Ethan is mr. sensitive. Most of the time it's sweet. He tells me he misses me when I am out of sight for a few minutes or even sitting next to him. Today he was very concerned about Bear: "Bear miss Bear mama". He said this several times. Isaac will usually note that "Bear miss Geffi", jiujiu's dog. "Bear Geffi fight together". Apparently this is a sign of friendship. Isaac, mr. chatterbox, makes comments I'm not even clear on about "Geffi get eat up, say 'where jiujiu?"

Much of the time Isaac rambles on about anything and everything, usually when he is supposed to be eating. His sentences and conversations are becoming much more complex. Ethan is more prone to silliness and short attention span, though he is also very polite. If I ask if he needs to pee pee, he is apt to say, 'No, thank you'. He also says thank you more spontaneously. Tonight he thanked me for making the not really exciting dinner.

They have both picked up lots of things from school, for better or worse. Things like "Oooh, man!", "Awesome!" and "Let's go, guys". They are also getting peer envy. They are very attached to their clothes, Ethan especially to his few favorite pairs of underwear. He told me he wanted to get Thomas underwear. I said "where did you see Thomas underwear?" "Elijah". So guess they go around showing underwear. Can't wail til they're teenagers.

Meanwhile, they have loved sledding. I went the first time and being pregnant and totally lacking in coordination at the best of times, I just went down once with Ethan. We careened all over and I tried to "wheee" instead of scream. I thought Ethan would have been scared but he said "do it again" and "I like it" and "mama sled mama go fast". Daddy had to start going faster to keep up with my standard. We debated whether we should let them try by themselves but we think we'll wait until next year!