Tuesday, February 3, 2009

All about Grandma (and the jiujius too)

The boys are obsessed about going to grandma's. It's hard when they get to that age when they can understand and communicate but still not fully understand the explanation. So every day we have conversations like:

Them: "Go grandma's house?"
Me: "Not today. In spring. When it's warm"
Them: "Okay"
10 seconds later:
"Go grandma's house?" Usually followed, especially by Ethan, with "I miss grandma". After watching a Berenstain Bears where the kids stay with grandma and grandpa for a week, they are now eager for "mama daddy go away". So are mama and daddy and grandma so that works out :)

Ethan is mr. sensitive. Most of the time it's sweet. He tells me he misses me when I am out of sight for a few minutes or even sitting next to him. Today he was very concerned about Bear: "Bear miss Bear mama". He said this several times. Isaac will usually note that "Bear miss Geffi", jiujiu's dog. "Bear Geffi fight together". Apparently this is a sign of friendship. Isaac, mr. chatterbox, makes comments I'm not even clear on about "Geffi get eat up, say 'where jiujiu?"

Much of the time Isaac rambles on about anything and everything, usually when he is supposed to be eating. His sentences and conversations are becoming much more complex. Ethan is more prone to silliness and short attention span, though he is also very polite. If I ask if he needs to pee pee, he is apt to say, 'No, thank you'. He also says thank you more spontaneously. Tonight he thanked me for making the not really exciting dinner.

They have both picked up lots of things from school, for better or worse. Things like "Oooh, man!", "Awesome!" and "Let's go, guys". They are also getting peer envy. They are very attached to their clothes, Ethan especially to his few favorite pairs of underwear. He told me he wanted to get Thomas underwear. I said "where did you see Thomas underwear?" "Elijah". So guess they go around showing underwear. Can't wail til they're teenagers.

Meanwhile, they have loved sledding. I went the first time and being pregnant and totally lacking in coordination at the best of times, I just went down once with Ethan. We careened all over and I tried to "wheee" instead of scream. I thought Ethan would have been scared but he said "do it again" and "I like it" and "mama sled mama go fast". Daddy had to start going faster to keep up with my standard. We debated whether we should let them try by themselves but we think we'll wait until next year!

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